Saint Matthew's Church
Seasonal MessagesMESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Bishop Scharfenberger has issued a Pastoral Letter entitled "A Return to Mass" which ends the general dispensation from the obligation to go to Mass on Sundays and Holy Days effective June 6, 2021. To read the Bishop's letter, please click on the PDF document below.
As with everything else in 2020, the services provided to parishes and parishioners by departments of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany had to adjust when business as usual came to a halt. we are proud to share these glimpse of highlights of how these challenges have been met...and insight into some new ways to work. Diocesan Appeal gifts impact this and more! Click on file below to view the full article. ![]()
Senior Soup MealsSt. Matthew’s Parish joyfully announces a new ministry, offering complimentary soups to seniors in our community, every 1st Friday of the month. We invite you to enjoy favorable pot luck soups prepared by our very own Hospitality Committee! Pick up times will be between 9:00AM – 9:30AM. Reservation Forms are located at both entrances of the church. Deadline for reservations will be the Wednesday prior to each 1st Friday. You may also contact Julie-Anne Fortran at [email protected] or 518-765-2837 for a reservation.